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We plant our raised bed

Our trainee Peter and Johann from our marketing department visited a herb farm to get new herbs and lettuces for our raised bed.

We plant our raised bed

At the end of May, i.e. the end of the ice saints (last frosts in spring), it was time to redesign our raised beds. So we went to a herb farm together to get some new herbs. Last year we already had tarragon, chives, rocket and mint in the raised beds. In addition to stevia, lemon verbena, lemon balm, basil, apple mint, parsley, snika, some lettuce varieties and many other herbs are currently planted in the raised beds. Everything for the employees of nicos AG, whether for breakfast, tea or a snack, the variety of raised beds has the right herbs for every dish.  

Raised beds in general are very practical: you can garden in places where it would otherwise be almost impossible, e.g. on terraces or balconies. The height of a raised bed eliminates the need to bend down, which is easy on the back. Because a raised bed consists of different layers, the soil is often much richer in nutrients than some garden soil. As a result, the harvest in a raised bed is usually much larger.