Our colleague Daniel is the first to draw a glass of water from the freshly installed water dispenser… his verdict? Watch the video – turn on the sound! Sorry, the video is available only in German.

Goodbye plastic bottles!
CO2-neutral water from your own tap

In the past, water came from plastic bottles as part of our beverage flat rate. This has come to an end in November 2020. Because since then, nicos has relied on a water dispenser system that delivers fresh water, either refreshingly cold or hot for tea, from our own tap at the touch of a button.

Thanks to this system, colleagues can simply “tap” their own water and incidentally avoid a huge CO2 footprint. However, the climate impact of mineral water is about 600 times higher than tap water.

And at the same time, we are now also making a contribution to avoiding plastic waste.

Can you drink tap water? Answers at the Consumer Center website.

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